Papakura High School Staff

Simon Full Length


Simon Craggs

(09) 296 4400

[email protected]

Lisa Mortimer

Tumuaki Tuarua/Deputy Principal - Curriculum & NZQA


Lisa Mortimer

(09) 295 1517

[email protected]

Tumuaki Tuarua/Deputy Principal - Community Culture & Pedagogy, Teaching & Learning


Rebecca McGrath

(09) 295 1521

[email protected]


Tumuaki Tuarua/Deputy Principal - Director of Pastoral Services, Teaching & Learning

Shauna Thomas

(09) 295 1519

[email protected] 

Chris Matthews
Tumuaki Tuarua/Deputy Principal  - Day-to-Day operations, Teaching & Learning

Te Aparangi

Chris Matthews

(09) 295 2074

[email protected]

Kaiārahi whānau  


Te Aparangi



Bronwyn Groombridge

Gail Boyce

Morgana-Jean Thomas

 Lesieli Samiu

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Kaiārahi tuarua


Te Aparangi




Dave Lawrence

Olivia Samiu

Jamie Baker-Stephens

Ola Tonga

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Careers & Transition PathwaysSandra Paulus[email protected]
Business StudiesForrest Roos[email protected]
EnglishHead of Department - Jacqueline Swney [email protected]

Hazel Anson
Gail Boyce
Tiffany Kushnier
Sanjay Prasad
Wendy Secret

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

LanguagesHead of Department - Jackie Lauaki[email protected]
SamoanFata Komiti[email protected]
TonganLangiola (Ola) Tonga[email protected]

Learning SupportHead of Department & Focused Learning Coordinator (FOLCO) - Melissa Farrell[email protected]
Learning Support Coordinator (LSC)Nathalie Curtis[email protected]
Specialist Teacher and Additional Needs AdministratorNikita Soupen-Birkbeck[email protected]
Teacher Aides/Learning AssistantsCaroline Crabb
Juanita Gurnick
Sheryl Kingi
Atelini Nabalarua
Emi Nanai
Maha Raad
Louise Thorpe-Franck
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Teacher of Literacy and NumeracyBronwyn Groombridge[email protected]
Te Oranga ReoHead of Department - Mardi Walker[email protected]

Kiri Key
Rangi Maria Thomas
Paris Simpson
Moana-Noa Rountree
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
MathematicsHead of Department - Anusha Soupen[email protected]

Rishi Basdew
Jo Kaur
Prakash Nair
James Prasad
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Head of Department - Andrea Rabin

[email protected]

Campbell Bolton-Hampton
James van der Maas
[email protected]
[email protected]
Visual ArtsHead of Department - Kate Lobb[email protected]

Miu Hon
Jinny Park
Aksara Singh
Bernadette van Dalen
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Drama/DanceHead of Department - Anita Imlach[email protected]

PE / Health

Head of Department - Jason Borland

[email protected]

Tino Adam
Jamie Baker-Stephens
Stephen Dowsett
Ella Henry
Olivia Samiu
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
ScienceHead of Department - Ellis Ambedkar[email protected]

Gurjit Chaudhary
Gurpreet Chaudhary
Seetha Josyula
David Lawrence
Praveena Prasad
Zainul Rafiq
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Social ScienceHead of Department - Jackie Lauaki[email protected]

Loina Hala
Fata Komiti
Beverley Matamua
Lesieli Samiu
Zech Soakai
Grace Tofa
Langiola (Ola) Tonga
Kevin Xu
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Technology (Food /Hospitality)Head of Department - Dianne Corban[email protected]

Anita Singh[email protected]
Technology (ICT)Head of Department  - Karmini Venketiah[email protected]
Technology (Hard Materials)Gerhardus Thompson[email protected]
Whaia Te Amorangi kura TeinaMorgana-Jean Thomas[email protected]
Whaia Te Amorangi kura TuakanaMaria Fiso
Mele Ofanoa
[email protected]
[email protected]
Hauora Team

Guidance CounsellorBobi Dawson[email protected]
Social WorkerChris Duffy[email protected]
Senior NurseAllison Freemantle
[email protected]
School NurseJoanne Longstaff[email protected]
Youth WorkerFiti Leota[email protected]
Check & Connect Youth Mentor
Chris Pongi[email protected]

Robyn Zenovich

0508 ABSENT 

(09) 295 1506

[email protected]
Business Manager

Letticia Jones
[email protected]
Rebecca Page(09) 295 1508[email protected]
Gaylene McCutchan(09) 295 1510[email protected]

Zelda Johnston(09) 296 4400 ext. 9358
[email protected]

Tracey Anderson-King(09) 295 1515[email protected]
Principal's EA & Board Secretary  
Philippa Kaisser(09) 295 1505[email protected]
Property ManagerJohn Rice[email protected]
Activity Centre  
Lisa Singe09 295 6417[email protected]

Pauline Cvitanovich
Jamie Singe
[email protected]
[email protected]
Alternative Education  
Charlie Prescott(09) 299 1287[email protected]

Therese Luxton[email protected]
Rosehill Satellite Unit

Natalie McAuslin(09) 295 1526[email protected]

Michelle Mullan[email protected]